Carball Pinball 2

We'll start the tutorial modelling the pinball table. Start BLENDER, with the default plane. Enter Edit mode ( with the plane selected), Select all vertices and subdivide two times, W key, and choose "Subdivide" in the pop-up menu. Out of Edit mode, Scale the plane to make a rectangular shape (see image at above right).

Let's start modelling the right flipper. In top view add a Circle with 18 vertices. Make a Copy, Scale it and place it like in the image above.
There is at least one universal rule in the "games world"! The lesser polygons, the better is! Even if processors and graphics cards become more powerful everyday! So is good to keep in mind the factor "number of polys/efficiency" when moddeling.

Join the two objects with Ctrl-J keys. Enter Edit mode, select the adjacent halves, and delete the vertices to make two half-circles.

Select the first vertice of each half-circle and make an edge, F key. Do the same operation in the other side of the half-circles to close the shape. Select all the vertices, A key, and build faces, Shift-F, then do, Alt-F, to make them "beautiful".

In side view, with all vertices selected, Extrude down to complete the flipper body.

Place the flipper like in the image above, make a Copy, mirror it, and place both objects acordingly to the image.